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Green packaging

Sustainability has called for attention in the food market outside the home, so attention to sustainable packaging, especially by nutritionists, has grown exponentially

Concern for the environment has led the food industry to seek more sustainable solutions for its packaging. By 2024, it is expected that there will be an increase in the use of biodegradable and compostable materials, such as paper and plant-based plastics. Furthermore, reducing unnecessary packaging will also be a trend, with the use of more efficient and functional packaging. The search for sustainable packaging that can maintain the nutritional value of food has become a priority for many businesses in the sector. food.

Different, environmentally friendly packaging has been the target of many companies in order to adapt to this new reality, and the nutritionist is the best professional to help with the choice in order to maintain the quality and standard of food.

However, while it is important to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, it is equally crucial to ensure that food is properly preserved and maintains its nutritional properties throughout the storage and transport process. Sustainable packaging must be able to offer this protection without compromising food quality. After all, there's no point in packaging being excellent for the environment if you don't also take care of what you carry inside.

Several solutions have been developed to meet this growing demand. Packaging made from biodegradable materials, such as recycled paper or compostable plastics, are popular options. Furthermore, advanced technologies have allowed the development of intelligent packaging that monitor and control internal conditions, thus ensuring the preservation of the nutritional properties of foods.

From the union of technology and equipment with people really interested in changing this game in favor of the public and the planet, modern and even unusual types of packaging have emerged to meet this demand.

And the concern is not limited to packaging for individual portions or home delivery. In the foodservice sector, where large quantities of food are prepared and transported daily, sustainable packaging plays a key role in reducing food waste and promoting public health. By opting for packaging that balances sustainability and preservation of food nutrition, food businesses can contribute to a healthier future for both the planet and consumers.


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